Simply put. Getting you from HERE to THERE. I help you realize where you are and where you want to be and then use structure, focus and progress tools to help you get there.
Good People + Good Process = Good Profit (and peace)
Communications / Internal & External
I review your current communications situation (internal & external) and then recommend what's working and what's not. I then offer solutions and ways to improve. Proven communications techniques from traditional to digital methods and a hand full of tech tools to boot.
It comes down to what you can afford to get started and developing a brand, perception and plan. Then it's about getting the RIGHT MESSAGE to the RIGHT PERSON at the RIGHT PLACE at the RIGHT TIME. Then Test, Test, Test and when you see results you double down. Kinda like fishing. You figure out where and when to fish and what lures to use at what time of the day.
Next Steps...
If you are stuck and need some help, give me a shout, and if I can't help, I will find someone for you who can.